Evaluation of the Competitiveness Model in the Steel Industry with a Technology Transfer Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD., Department of Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Department of Financial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Prof., Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Given the dependencies of key economic sectors, the global steel demand is expected to increase. Therefore, pursuing multiple strategies and aligning with global market developments is essential to enhance and achieve competitiveness in this industry. One of the development approaches in the steel industry, like other technology-based industries adapting to advancements in new technologies, is using a technology transfer approach. This industry is one of the largest and most important industries in the world and plays a very important role in many economic sectors. It can be significantly recognized in global markets as one of the main and powerful players by improving its competitiveness. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the competitiveness model in the steel industry with a technology transfer approach.
This research is applied considering its objective and follows a descriptive survey methodology for data collection. The statistical population of this research includes managers and employees of companies active in the country's steel industry. The data collection tool in this research was a questionnaire distributed randomly among the population. Ultimately, 384 questionnaires suitable for data analysis were collected. The gathered data were analyzed through the structural equation approach and with the help of Smart-PLS software. The model validation in this research was formed comprehensively with an interpretive-structural modeling approach.
The results showed that among the influencing factors, internal factors have the highest impact on competitiveness, while among the contextual factors, political and legal factors have the most significant effect. Additionally, the strategy of investment and cooperation was identified as the most effective for improving competitiveness, potentially yielding important economic, social, and organizational benefits for companies in the steel sector. Consequently, it is suggested that these companies enhance the selection and purchasing power of domestic and foreign customers by diversifying their product offerings, including related and complementary products, to cater to a wide range of needs within the industry.
The petrochemical industry is not in a favorable condition in this regard, and the volume and lines of products and derivatives in the industry are limited despite the available potential. Support from official, governmental, and legislative institutions for stakeholders and investors in the steel sector is crucial. By providing appropriate facilities and subsidies, these institutions can encourage and motivate active and potential investors to expand their production activities. Additionally, it is essential to reduce cumbersome and discouraging laws related to investment and exports. One of the most important drivers for increasing competitiveness among companies in the steel industry is the presence of a supportive atmosphere and attitude from senior company managers. The industry needs to step towards attracting, transferring, and developing existing technologies. Therefore, the presence of expert and capable managers with an entrepreneurial orientation in new technologies can be a crucial factor in developing the steel industry.


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