Mapping the Interactive Model of Relationships between Blockchain-Related Variables in the Green Supply Chain: DEMATEL-ISM Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Associate Prof., Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Prof., Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


Objective: Numerous variables are involved in green supply chain management and investigating any intervening variable can influence a diverse set of others. Blockchain, as an emerging technology of the fourth generation of the industry, comes with a variety of distinctive characteristics. The analysis of the integration between blockchain and green supply chain management will be highly intricate. Therefore, it is essential to establish a model to comprehend it effectively.
Methods: This study was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the required information was collected, extracted, analyzed, and combined through a systematic review with a focus on the key questions. After identifying the primary existing sources, based on the entry conditions, some items were removed according to the determined conditions. Finally, 18 articles were thoroughly reviewed, and the variables were extracted. In the second phase, the validation, refinement, and examination of the relationship among variables were discussed through questionnaires. The combined method of DEMATEL and Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) were used.
Results: Variables from the green supply chain, likely to be influenced by blockchain were extracted, refined, and modeled in 10 levels, ranging from the most influential to the least influential ones. Environment-related variables, along with business viability, are the most influential.
Conclusion: According to the achieved model and the degree of influence and impact of the variables, the main driver for moving towards green practices and utilizing blockchain include "the need to obtain environmental certification (government pressure)," "buying green products (inclination)," and "giving importance to the social responsibility of the green company." The outcome also depends on "business continuity" and environmental variables. An important aspect regarding the relationship between blockchain and the green supply chain is the location of the variables influenced by blockchain in the interpretive structural model. These variables were placed in the middle levels of the model, indicating that before implementing blockchain technology, it is crucial to assess the influencing variables and determine their value. The assessment can determine whether the establishment or non-establishment of blockchain technology is justified. If these variables indicate the need for changes in the intermediate variables of the model, blockchain technology can be used as a tool or enabler in the supply chain to drive the desired changes based on the specified influencing variables. Ultimately, as the intermediate variables in the model change, the dependent or influencing variables in the model can also be affected.


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