Causal modeling of relationships between criteria for EFQM excellence model in TOSE’E TA’AVON bank

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistance Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Msc of Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Organizations that participate in the competition, had to enter the paths are called Excellence. So through extensive efforts undertaken by quality experts, various patterns as models of excellence are established and used as one of the most common ways of organizations success. The main purpose of this paper is to "assess the causal model between criterias of business excellence model at Tose’e Ta’avon Bank" and the secondary objective is to "measure excellence of Tose’e Ta’avon Bank".This study in terms of subject is practical and development, and in terms of data collection is correlation and survey. With regard to the relationships between the criterias of excellence model, the relationships between these criterias is calculated by structural equation. According to the procedure outlined, for this study is used from PLS and SPSS software. The data collected at the end of 93 and the first six months of 94. On the other hand, the excellence model used is the 2013 version. In this study population are managers and senior experts of Tose’e Ta’avon Bank.


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