The Impact of Human Capital on Green Innovation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof., Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc. in Executive Management, Faculty of Pardis Alborz, Tehran University, Iran


Today, the environment becomes the main pillar of the decision making of many organizations in the world. Because on the one hand consumers ' awareness of environmental issues increased and on the other hand، strict environmental rules defined by governors. Environmental responsibility combined with the need of organizations to competitiveness، created the concept of green innovation. It is evident that innovation is meaningless without green human capital، who are fully aware of environmental aspects of their organization's activities. In this research we examined the impact of human capital on green innovation. Human capital construct had three parts named: Knowledge background, psychological background and capacity and green innovation construct defined by two parts as: green leadership and green supply chain. For the analysis of data smartpls software used. The result of this research showed that human capital can trigger green innovation by 76%


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