Measuring sustainability of service supply chain by using a multi-stage/multicast fuzzy inference system (Studied Case: Parsian Bank

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 MSc. Student in Industrial Management, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Sustainable development tried to continuous development, beyond the economic development. Given the fundamental importance of banks in the economy and the importance of sustainability in recent years, this study aimed to measure sustainability of Parsian Bank and in general, the Iran's banking industry. The initial framework resulting from the review of the literature, sustainability reports of selected banks in the world and other reports in the area of sustainability with holding focus group sessions with industry experts is confirmed. In order to measure sustainability a multi-stage/multicast Fuzzy Inference System(FIS) was designed that able to measure sustainability in each of the 4 main structures identified, i.e. the social, environmental, economic and governance structures. Based on the output of this 4 structures, a FIS for measuring the specific form of the concept of sustainability in Parsian Bank planned that the output is number 0/798. For the final evaluation of the overall sustainability, the designed range in the Global Initiative Report was used. Due to the resulting number noted range, Parsian Bank has the A-level of sustainability.


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