Identifying Functions of Parent Organization: A Case Study in Project-Based Organizations of the Construction Industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Prof. in Industrial Management, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Prof., University of Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student in Operations and Production Management, University of Tehran, Iran


The performance of organizational projects has an eminent
role in successfully implementing strategies. This is especially important
in project-based organizations whose business is projects. Parent
organization as one of the groups that determines projects’ success and
failure has various functions regarding its projects. Identifying these
functions develops literature on project-based organizations and helps to
understand them more deeply. Using qualitative approach and a multiple
case study, seven project organizations in construction sector were
studied. The results of within-case analysis revealed seven main
functions. Having identified these functions, project-based organizations
should try to develop necessary capabilities to better perform them and
formulate strategies and policies to support them.
